
Before it Leaks- Call Roof Geeks!

Our Services

Tile/ Shingle repair & Replacement

A shifted tile or loose shingles can cause costly larger repairs. We will repair, secure or replace your cracked, broken, slid and loose tiles.

Mortar joint repair/replacement

Mortar joints constantly crack and break allowing water under your roof. We will maintain and repair or replace your mortar joints.

Gutter cleaning

Unmaintained gutter will cause your gutters to back up and damage your wood fascia. Your gutters need regular maintenance to keep them clutter free.

Sealing around penetrations & Patios

Seals around your roof penetrations and patio dry out, crack/peel. Bad seals are the #1 cause of roof leaks and need regular maintenance.

Roof Debris removal

Debris, mud and dirt build up in roof valleys, low lying areas and behind penetrations will cause an accelerated break down of your roof system. Regular maintenance will extend its life and save you money .

Roof Consulting

We offer Roof consulting services if your roof needs larger repairs or a re-roof. We have the experience and expertise to advise you on what is truly needed. Ask us on how we can save you thousands.

Solar panel cleaning

Your solar panes are a big investment. Clean solar panels are required to keep your solar system operating at optimal levels. Regularly cleaning your solar panels will insure that your system is operating at its best.

Power washing

We offer power washing services for your roof and general needs. Have bird dropping issues? We can power wash those turds away. Did you know bird droppings ruin shingles and clog roof valleys?

Communities we serve